Kalanki, Kathmandu Nepal

+977 98667605333

Our Mission and Vision


  • To provide quality, sustainable, comprehensive and affordable eye care services in the country by identifying and mobilizing local, national and international resources to eliminate the avoidable blindness in the country in alignment with the global initiative of Vision 2020: The Right to Sight,
  • To attain multi-sectoral partnership in order to provide eye care services to all segments of population without any discrimination, by maintaining equity, efficiency, and excellence


A country free of avoidable vision loss

Guiding Principles:

  • Turn compassion into action
  • Serve the underserved
  • Promote a comprehensive concept of health
  • Create long-term partnerships
  • Expand self-reliance

Focus areas:

  • Service sector
    • Eye camps and primary eye care in rural areas
    • Cataract surgeries
    • Spectacle correction for refractive error and presbyopia
    • Management of eye diseases
  • Human resource sector
    • Strengthening of rural eye care providers
    • Training of primary eye care providers
  • Research
    • Eye health, vision impairment and poverty
    • Service delivery model and work force evaluation in eye care
    • Clinical researches
    • Access and barriers to service utilization and provision
    • Other research areas in community eye care


  • Provide appropriate, accessible, sustainable and quality eye care service to those with the most need.
  • To create awareness in eye health and health seeking behaviors to reduce incidence rate of preventable blindness
  • To establish international linkage keeping update the indigenous technology with recent development and advancement in eye care.
  • Establish quality assurance system in eye care service delivery system
  • To conduct scientific researches to fill the gap of knowledge in eye health and vision science in the country


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The Chepang Vision Care Project.

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Optometry Clinics

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School Screening Programs

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Our Partners

In collaboration with different other organization...

Better Vision

Kalanki, Kathmandu Nepal

by phone: +977 98667605333

by e-mail: bvfnepal@gmail.com

or fill in the form on our contact page



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